Wrap My Body In Old Glory

Artist:Carl Sauceman
Writer:Arthur Q. Smith

Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go
It's the flag of the country I love so
Tell my buddies not to falter, tell them of my last request
Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go

It was on the fields of battle in the South Korean isles
There a dying boy we knew as G.I. Joe
As his buddies wrapped around just to hear his last request
Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go

Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go
It's the flag of the country I love so
Tell my buddies not to falter, tell them of my last request
Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go

In his pack there was a letter written to his folks back home
He said mail it so my mom and dad will know
That I died for precious liberty we all cherish so
Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go

Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go
It's the flag of the country I love so
Tell my buddies not to falter, tell them of my last request
Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go

Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go
It's the flag of the country I love so
Tell my buddies not to falter, tell them of my last request
Wrap my body in Old Glory when I go

Disclaimer: Although this transcription is based on the specified version, other versions and sources may have been consulted and errors made by the artist may have been corrected. Other errors should be reported to tom@begray.net.

Tom Gray's Bluegrass Songbook / tom@begray.net